The exhibit was curated by Dr. Randall Griffey, the Associate Curator of Modern American Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and features 48 works from renowned artists such as Frederic Remington, George Catlin, John James Audubon and Albert Bierstadt. Audubon was known for his detailed images of American Birds, Albert Bierstadt was known for his grand landscapes, while Remington and Catlin were known for their images of the people of the West.
The exhibit will consist of hand colored engravings and lithographs that played an important role in the dissemination of knowledge and understanding about the West and those who inhabited it after Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory in 1803. Artists often accompanied governmental geographical surveyors of the West to capture imagery with an international or an eastern United States audience in mind, and it both drew from and promoted fantasies about Native Americans and the West as much as it documented reality.
Tickets for the exhibit are available at the museum's website or at the door.